Jumat, 26 April 2024

Tracking Test

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About BPIPI Laboratory Test

Nuansa Lab BPIPI

Laboratory Test Indonesian Industrial Footwear Development Center (BPIPI) is one of the functions of independent organizations that can perform testing for raw materials and footwear products in the field of physics-mechanics, are established to serve the service user (consumer) both from domestic and abroad.

Role of the Laboratory Test Indonesian Industrial Footwear Development Center (BPIPI), here in after abbreviated as LU-BPIPI is part of an organization in this case Indonesian Industrial Footwear Development which conducts testing of raw materials and footwear products which have the managerial and technical personnel with the necessary authority and resources to carry out their dutties.


Alur Pengujian

Alur Pengujian Laboratorium Uji BPIPI

Pricing Simulator & Login

Langsung ketahui estimasi biaya pengujian menggunakan Simulator Laboratorium BPIPI. Harga yang tampil adalah harga live dan terupdate sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir terjadi selisih dengan saat dilakukan pengujian.

Coba Simulator

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